The Reigate, Redhill and District Rail Users’ Association (RRDRUA) represents the interests of those members who travel via the following stations :
- Reigate
- Redhill
- Earlswood
- Horley
- Nutfield
- Merstham
- Salfords
The Association aims to protect the interests of passengers and to monitor the provision of the best possible train service (timetabling) at the best possible price and in the best possible comfort.
General Rules and Management
The management of the Association shall be vested in a committee consisting of the Officers elected at the Annual General Meeting held in February or March each year, namely :
- Chairperson (presently or previously a Committee Member and approved by the committee)
- Committee Secretary
- Treasurer
- Membership Secretary
- Press Officer
- Webmaster
together with other members appointed to fill such roles as :
- Station Representatives
- Social/Media Co-ordinator
- Campaign Leaders
- Members without Portfolio
The names of those elected to serve, along with details of the nature of the Association’s current campaigns, will be published in the edition of the Association’s Newsletter (or of a circular to Members if earlier) which next follows the AGM. The Chairperson may propose and the committee agree to additional members during the year or similar. The duties and responsibilities of individual committee members are appended below.
The Agenda of the AGM shall include :-
- a report of the Committee on its year of office
- the Treasurer’s Statement of Account
- the election of Officers and Committee for the ensuing year
- the election of an Auditor for the ensuing year
- the appointment of a Minute Secretary for the next General Meeting.
An Extraordinary General Meeting may be convened by order of the Committee or on a requisition delivered to the Secretary and signed by at least 30 members.
At least fourteen clear days’ notice shall be given to all members of any General Meeting.
Every question at a meeting shall be decided by a majority of votes of members present and voting. In the event of an equal division of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.
Minutes of all meetings shall be taken and kept.
The committee will meet approximately every six weeks, with the exact dates of meetings being determined each six months, subject to confirmation at each preceding committee meeting. Train operators, watchdogs, regulators and the like may be invited to the opening 45 minutes of a given meeting.
The annual subscription shall be such sum (not exceeding £10) as shall from time to time be determined and shall be due on 1st February each year, to cover appropriate logistical costs of running the Association. It shall also be open to the Association to receive legitimate donations or sponsorship from rail and other relevant companies and members towards these costs.
A banking account shall be maintained in the name of the Association. Monies paid from this account shall be authorised by the Treasurer and one other Officer from a panel of committee members nominated for this purpose.
Alterations of Rules
These rules shall only be altered with the approval of the Association in General Meeting.
April 2016